> Roots & Flowers: Some Common Essential Oils & Their Properties

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some Common Essential Oils & Their Properties

Essential Oils are highly concentrated distilled plant essences. Very aromatic, they have a wide variety of uses. Essential oils have been used traditionally for treating specific ailments. In addition to treating physical conditions, these oils can effect people mentally and emotionally as well.

Some Common Essential Oils & Their Properties

Balancing. Used to lift depression.

CEDARWOOD Antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, sedative. Used to balance the function of sweat glands, ease bronchial problems and to control mold & mildew.

CHAMOMILE Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic. Used for headaches, in warm baths, added to hair rinses, and in massage oils.

CLARY SAGE Popular antidepressant, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and aphrodisiac. Used in skin and hair products and to counter insomnia. (Avoid in early months of pregnancy.)

CYPRESS Astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic. Used to repell fleas, reduce coughing, and for excessive perspiration.

EUCALYPTUS Antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, disinfectant, expectorant. Has a balancing, normalizing effect. Used to reduce fever, ease sore muscles, repel insects, treatbites and stings.

GERANIUM Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative, expectorant. Used for bronchitis, cleansing and purifying the environment, promotes cell regeneration.

HYSSOP Antiseptic, tonic. Used for cleansing and detoxifying, stimulating respiratory system, and clearing congestion from lungs. (Avoid if you have any type of seizure disorder.)

JASMINE Antidepressant, antiseptic, and sedative. Used for anxiety, emotional imbalance, frigidity and impotence. Good for the skin and scalp.

JUNIPER Antiseptic, detoxifier, diuretic, and internal cleanser. Used to rid the system of toxins and parasites, reduce spasms, and cellulite. (Not for use during pregnancy. or if you have kidney problems.)

LAVENDER Antiseptic. Used to calm and normalize the body, improve immune system, fight bacteria and fungal infection, ease depression, and reduce inflammation. Also useful in treating acne, burns, eczema, sleep disorders, and stress.

PATCHOULI Antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antifungal. A popular scent used in personal fragrances and bath & body products.

PEPPERMINT Antiseptic, antispasmodic, mental stimulant. Used to treat headaches, congestion, fatigue, fever, indigestion, sore muscles, sinus and stomach problems. Popular in bath and oral care products.

PINE Antiseptic, antiviral, expectorant, restorative and stimulant.

ROSE Antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, mild sedative. Used for female complaints, impotence, insomnia, and nervous tension. Popular in skin care products.

ROSEMARY Analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent. Used for cellulite, enhancing circulation, dandruff, hair loss, memory problems, headache, and muscle soreness.

ROSEWOOD Antiseptic, regenerative. Used for anxiety, cellular regeneration, depression, headaches, nausea, PMS, and tension.

SANDALWOOD Antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac. Used for bronchitis, nervousness, dry skin, and for soothing the mind.

THYME Antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant. Added to bath for a calming effect, and to ease congestion.

YARROW Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic. Used to lower blood pressure and improve digestion. Has similar functions as chamomile.

YLANG YLANG Antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, sedative. Used to lift mood, ease anxiety, normalize heartbeat, and lower blood pressure.

Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c

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